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find your dream town agent today

Buying a home can be one of the most exciting times of your life -- and the most stressful. That's why more and more buyers look to Dream Town to find the right Chicago real estate agent. Our agents know the ropes, so you can take advantage of our real estate market knowledge, powerful negotiating skills and objective advice. Best of all, there's no cost to you. Our commission is paid by the seller.

Step-By-Step Assistance

There's a lot that goes into buying a home. So once you've identified a property that appeals to you, we'll work with you to protect your interests and make the process easy. You can count on us for...

  • A detailed Chicago real estate market analysis to help you determine the appropriate purchase price.
  • Help understanding information that may affect your decision, such as the seller's disclosure and other conditions we may find out about.
  • Professional negotiation that will help you attain the best possible price as well as attractive terms.
  • Recommendations on inspectors, lawyers, brokers and lenders, if necessary. We draw from professionals who have earned consistently high marks from past real estate customers.

Plus, today's low rates and favorable lending environment can add up to 100% financing and approval for people with less-than-perfect credit.

Accredited Buyer’s Representative (ABR)

Dream Town agents take their real estate training to the next level – so you get the most knowledgeable and best prepared realtors in Chicago. When you see "ABR" after your agent’s name, you know you are in good hands. Learn more about ABR agents and what it takes to become ABR certified.

New Construction Expertise

Because Dream Town is also in the business of developing new properties -- and many of our agents have experience in contracting, remodeling, appraising and other related fields -- we're well versed in new construction. What's more, we're familiar with many Chicago developers, including their work and reputations. We can help you choose one you can trust.

A Team Effort

While your primary agent will be there to walk you through every step of the process, Dream Town is designed around a team approach that's unique in the industry. You'll enjoy the benefit of our whole organization's expertise, plus unparalleled professionalism and availability.

Find Out More

See for yourself. Start by getting your own complete Buyer's Information Kit now. Or talk to a Dream Town agent today to find out how we can make it easy to own your dream home. There's no risk. Contact us now or speak to one of our buyer's agent specialists today.

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Talk With Us!

If you need to reach your Dream Town Broker or have a general question, please call 312.265.8000 or email us.

If you have questions about a property, please call 312.278.2000.