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There are several advantages to owning your own home—you’ll build equity, stabilize monthly expenses, reduce your tax burden, and have the ability to shape your property as you wish. While the process of buying your first home may seem daunting, you’ll feel an amazing sense of accomplishment and satisfaction when you sign the contract and receive the keys to a place that’s all your own.

You may have already spent some time looking through Chicago-area listings and imagining the possibilities. Before you commit to this major investment, however, you’ll need to take an honest look at your finances and personal goals, and then ask some hard questions: Where do you want to live? What kind of home do you want? How long do you intend to stay there? And how much home can you afford?

Take our buyer-readiness quiz

This quiz will help you get a snapshot of your current circumstances and let you know if buying is the right choice for you now. If you’re not quite ready, please consider giving us a call anyway—we can talk about what you’ll need to do in order to prepare for this crucial milestone!

Talk With Us!

If you need to reach your Dream Town Broker or have a general question, please call 312.265.8000 or email us.

If you have questions about a property, please call 312.278.2000.