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Park Manor Real Estate and Neighborhood Information

Get to know Park Manor

Park Manor is a south side Chicago neighborhood with well-kept single-family homes, plentiful schools, and easy transportation options. Cradled between two of the city's major highways and the Red Line branch of the “El” train system, residents in Park Manor have no trouble getting from point A to point B. Traveling within the neighborhood borders will reveal a love for hearty American restaurants that serve up all the comfort foods, from barbeque ribs to the traditional turkey club. Aside from getting a bite to eat, Park Manor residents have the benefit of a handful of retail developments and shops. The nightlife in Park Manor is rather lively, sporting several bars and lounges.

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Park Manor Real Estate

With a name like Park Manor, if you have an imaginative mind, you might envision the streets of this south side Chicago neighborhood to be lined with foreboding castle-like structures, slowly collapsing from disrepair, creaky wrought-iron gates, and ivy-covered walls (and an occasional ghost making residence among the creepy old structures). Of course, in reality that image couldn’t be further from the actual Park Manor.

Instead Park Manor neighborhood possesses a dichotomy of housing. On the one hand there are large, well-maintained two-stories with manicured green lawns and lovely landscaping edging the property. On the other hand, there are sections where many of the homes are abandoned, with boarded-up windows and over-grown greenery encasing the edifice. Still, walking down the streets of this Chicago neighborhood, you’re most likely to see pleasant, well-kept single-family homes and occasional two- and three-bedroom condominiums. There’s nothing terribly stately or historic, but that just means that most structures are on the newer end of things and more likely to be in good condition, needing less refurbishing then many of Chicago’s older buildings. As for the lot-size, a number of single-family ranches (we’re talking about the architectural style; you won’t find any cattle to rustle around here—just a little real estate humor) have modest yards, although for many folks you’ll have to take that kite flight or soccer game down to the park.

While you can purchase a two-bedroom condo along Cottage Grove Avenue for as little as $40,000, the vintage building is most likely in less than perfect shape and does not provide any parking spaces for your car. Obviously, you pay for what you get, and there are plenty of nicer units in Park Manor between the mid $100,000 and low $200,000 price range. These include some newer developments with sturdy construction and street parking space. But truthfully, the best bet for prime property in Park Manor neighborhood is single-family detached homes. One- and two-stories, bungalow-style houses, raised ranches and spit-levels are all common real estate here, and typically go for between $50,000 and $300,000.

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