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Dave and Hilary | Customer Review

Customer Review -
Hilary and I would like to thank you for all of your hard work and help with the sale of our condo and purchase of our new home. We both agree that your knowledge of the Chicago condominium market and sales expertise greatly influenced how quickly our unit sold. As you remember, March 2010 was a tricky time to be selling a condo unit in this economic and real estate environment, yet we feel, all things considered, that we got an incredible return and we owe a great deal of this to your insight and efforts. Selling was a difficult transition, but you worked well to keep us focused on it being just one part of the whole plan, which was to help us find a home. As we looked at houses to purchase, you once again showed your knowledge of the neighborhoods we were interested in as you focused us in on what we could afford and where we would be “at home”. While Hilary and I often didn’t agree with each other as we searched, you were able to keep us moving forward and learning every weekend as we continued our hunt for a home. When looking back at the entire process, we know realize that your job not only entails understanding market conditions and comparables etc., but also being able to listen to two people who are trying to reconcile, as a couple, there own desires and needs, often quite contradictory. This may be the more difficult aspect for the agent. You were quite adept at listening and counseling us, individually and as a couple, to explain our situation within the context of the real estate market in our chosen neighborhoods, in a positive way. Once we found our “home” you continued to work with us through all of the remaining obstacles: negotiations, inspections, mortgage applications, all of which were extremely frustrating and unnerving for us but tempered by your calm and professionalism. The bottom line is we thank you for everything you did for us and we have and we will recommend you to our friends and family as a knowledgeable, professional and hard working real estate agent! Thanks again!! Dave and Hilary, Edison Park

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