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Pilsen Video

A Neighborhood Video of Pilsen

Dream Town sent a crew with a camera out to Pilsen to capture the scene at this Chicago neighborhood first hand. Experience the energy and local culture of the Pilsen community without going any further than your desk top! This minute-and-a-half video clip is just a snippet of life in Pilsen, but it's your inside look to what makes this Chicago neighborhood such a great place to live. Click on the screen and see for yourself!

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Now Playing: Pilsen

Pilsen has become quite a cultural center with over a dozen separate art galleries, community theaters, two museums, a cluster of independently owned shops, ethnic bakeries and delis, and numerous restaurants offering an international array of cuisine. Supporting a large population of Latin American families, Pilsen has evolved into a popular destination for authentic Mexican dining and celebrating the arts of South America and beyond.

Views: 15735 | Ratings: 4751

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