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Roscoe Village Video

A Neighborhood Video of Roscoe Village

Dream Town sent a crew with a camera out to Roscoe Village to capture the scene at this Chicago neighborhood first hand. Experience the energy and local culture of the Roscoe Village community without going any further than your desk top! This minute-and-a-half video clip is just a snippet of life in Roscoe Village, but it's your inside look to what makes this Chicago neighborhood such a great place to live. Click on the screen and see for yourself!

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Now Playing: Roscoe Village

Within a big city, this small community stands out for its beautiful homes and vintage architecture as well as its restaurants, shops, parks and amazing schools. Perfect for families and young couples, residents appreciate the area's intimate, communal feel. See for yourself why residents of Roscoe Village are so protective of this "hidden gem."

Views: 16173 | Ratings: 6415

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